On Wednesday evening, March 26th, starting at 7 o’clock, Church of the Messiah will hold its annual Ash Wednesday Service.  Ash Wednesday is the traditional beginning of the Holy Season of Lent which commemorates Our Lord’s forty days in the wilderness following His baptism in the River Jordan.  Lent is time of prayer, fasting, and charitable giving as well as deliberately focusing on strengthening our walk with The Lord.  The Ash Wednesday Service is wonderful way to begin the season of Lent.  The service includes a time of praise & worship, readings and a homily from Holy Scriptures, the special once a year Imposition of Ashes and Litany of Penitence as well as the Holy Eucharist.   Our Youth Group will be included in the special service and childcare is provided for those between the ages of one year old to fifth grade.  We invite everyone to join us this Wednesday night, beginning at 7 o’clock, as observe Ash Wednesday and begin a Holy Lent.