On Sunday, Father David announced that he wanted to see Church of the Messiah have 100% participation in our Inner City Mission Trip this coming weekend, March 4th-5th.  The response was wonderful!  We have four trays of food donated, three people volunteered to go along (including our much needed female chaperon!), and we received at least four scholarships already (and the count is not finished yet)!  There are still opportunities available.

  • We still need volunteers–we have eleven volunteers and we would like to have twenty people helping.  You can come Friday night and stay through the whole time or you can come for any part of the event.
  • We still need food–we need to feed around 70 people and we have food for forty right now.  Make a caserole, buy a frozen lasagna, make a run to Sam’s, BJ’s, or Costco’s and pick up some treats for the kids.
  • We still need money–We’ve already received four scholarships, but it is $39 per participant, not just per child.  If we are taking twenty people, we need $780!

You can still participate.  Click here to see how and view testimonies.   Call Fr. Scott or Lizz Looker for more info. 

Remember: Our Goal is 100% Participation!