Sunday, December 3rd, begins the Season of Advent, the first season in the new Church year.  The word “Advent” comes from Latin and means “to come.”  Advent is a time when the Church focuses on preparing our hearts and minds to receive the Messiah-King who not only came two thousand years ago in Bethlehem, but also is to come again.  It is a season where we focus on the Messiah-King who is going to come at an hour no one know and calls us to watch and be prepared.  Advent is the four weeks which precede Christmas, so this year the four Sundays of Advent are December 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th.  On each Sunday of Advent, we will have a special service focusing on our King who is to return and what we must do to make ready for His return.  We would love for you to join us every Sunday morning throughout the month of December starting at ten o’clock for our special Advent Services.