bishopEvery year on the Sunday closest to All Saints’ Day (November 1st), every church in the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church takes up an offering to support their primate’s office in various efforts.  In the North American Charismatic Episcopal Church, the House of Bishops decided that all of the money raised on All Saints’ Day would go to support international missionary work in Africa.  While a portion of the funds collected goes immediately to charitable relief, a large majority goes to the establishment of micro-businesses so that local churches can become self-sufficient.  The profits from these micro-businesses have aided local diocese in  water treatment for potable water, theological education of local clergy, and even construction of local places of worship.  You can see how recent All Saints’ Day collections have been distributed by clicking HERE and HERE.

The Patriarch’s letter reads, in part,

I have been in ministry long enough to have heard just about every excuse for not giving or not taking up an offering.  But those excuses are based on a faulty premise which is “when I get some extra money, I will give.”  Though that sounds good it is not in accordance with Biblical teaching.  Stewardship is not about giving in the future it is what we are doing with what we have right now.  It is in giving, that we receive.  In fact, it is more blessed to give than to receive.  And, if we give it will be given unto us.
When we take up the Mission Offering we are opening ourselves up to participation in something so much bigger than our local concerns or even our personal concerns.  We are able to sow seed into the advancement of God’s Kingdom around the world.  We are impacting the lives of thousands.
I know each of us wants to give.  Walk by faith.  Give from the heart.  Give in response to the Lord Holy Spirit asking us to give.  We can expect great things to happen.

 You can read his message in its entirety by clicking HERE.

At Church of the Messiah, we will do our part and take up the All Saints’ Day Offering this year on November 6th, however you can begin donating right away.  You may put an offering in the basket on Sunday marked “All Saints’ Offering” or you may give using any of our electronic methods by clicking HERE and selection “All Saints’ Offering from the drop-down menu.

Thank you for heeding the call and supporting this effort to reach out to our international brothers and sisters.  May God richly bless you.