Every year on the Sunday closest to All Saints’ Day, the Charismatic Episcopal Church takes a Missions and Development Offering.  This year we will take up the offering on November 5th.  CEC churches and individuals taken up the offering and then send it to the ICCEC offices in New York.  The funds are recorded online, so each Rector can see that their funds have been received and credited properly. The four General Secretaries in Africa are then given the amounts they can expect to receive.  Those bishops are:

-Bishop Gogo (Uganda, South Sudan and Southern Congo)
-Bishop Koyo (Kenya)
-Bishop Sekelwa (Tanzania)
-Bishop Emmanuel (Rwanda and Northern Congo)

80% of the moneys collected goes to start or reinvest in micro-businesses and 20% is designated for mercy needs (medical, disaster, refugee, food etc). The General Secretaries then account for last year’s funds and their successes and provide the plans for the upcoming year.

The reports of the previous year micro-business are posted on the CEC news website.

100% of the funds go to General Secretaries.  No part of the funds are used for travel or any administrative fees.  Any fees required to transfer funds are taken from the Patriarch’s office tithe, which goes to support missions.

The offerings are starting to bear fruit, by providing the local Bishops with their own funds to build churches, schools, buy transportation, and to create jobs.  They are becoming self-sufficient and standing on their own.

It is often said, “Give a man a fish and eats for a day, Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime,” but in Africa we must ask the question, what if the man has no fishing pole? Let us help provide the means to help them break the cycle of poverty and dependence.  Thank you.

You can make Donations and Offerings on-line by clicking HERE, by dropping a check marked “All Saints’ Offering” in the basket on Sunday, or you can send offerings directly to the Office of the Primate at Attn Missions. 50 Saint Thomas Pl, Malverne, NY 11565 (Check made out to “CEC”) or you can use a debit or credit card, see below.