Easter Celebration Continues

Alleluia!  Christ is Risen!  The Lord is risen indeed!  Alleluia!  While we have already celebrated Easter Sunday, the Season of Easter continues until Our Lord sends the Holy Spirit on the Feast of Pentecost.  Because of this, Church of the Messiah will be celebrating the Easter Season and the Resurrection of Our Lord every Sunday morning, starting at 10 o’clock, until May 16th.  During the season, our praise & worship, our Biblical readings, and our sermons will all focus on the Resurrection of Our Lord and His triumphant victory over death and the grave.  Even our Nursery and Kids’ Church lessons (for those 1 year old through 5th grade) will focus on Our Lord’s Resurrection and the Gospel stories following the Resurrection.

Throughout this season, Church of the Messiah will meet in the sanctuary of Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church (click HERE for a map.) where we have ample room for social distancing.  For more information about the precautions we are taking during this time, visit our COVID-19 Precautions Page.  We live stream all of our services on Church of the Messiah’s Facebook Page for those who are unable to attend.

Thanks be to God, Easter changed the world forever and we do not just celebrate it for one day!  Easter is a season; not just a day.  We invite you to join with Church of the Messiah and celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord throughout this Easter season with us every Sunday morning beginning at 10 o’clock.  Alleluia!  Christ is Risen!  The Lord is risen indeed!  Alleluia!

A Pentecost Letter from the Patriarch

A Pandemic Pentecost

Here in the United States, the president said that the country would be reopening by Easter.  He was certainly optimistic.  But, after seeking the advice of medical professionals and epidemiologists, as well as other counsel, he changed his date, and here we are in May still debating when will be a good date to start reopening the country and lessening restrictions.  Ultimately, I guess, the real end of this pandemic will be when we have a vaccine. Given that, there is a lot of debate about when we will have a vaccine.

I have been home and in my “bedroom office” since March 17.  This “isolation” has been called a quarantine, a lockdown, and staying safe.  In some places in the United States, the governments are enforcing, not only stay home orders but wearing masks and social distancing, with large fines if the rules are not followed.  There are already battles in the courts about whether the government has the authority to enforce these “regulations.”

I prefer to call my “isolation” a “seclusion.”


Certainly the fact that there is a coronavirus and a pandemic has influenced my decision to stay home.  I am sure I would not have chosen it by myself, especially since I am presently confined with three children – a two-year-old, a four-year-old, and a thirteen-year-old (a quarantween).

So early on I decided that I would offer this time to the Lord and work to build into my schedule more time for prayer, study, meditation, inward digestion of God’s word.  It would become a time to remove the things of the world and seek the Lord Jesus, knowing in this pandemic, and always, He was seeking me.

I have been drawn to the resources of the internet, especially on social media.  I have been able to pray with people, attend virtual Eucharists, and listen in on the preaching of so many men of God.  I have been so encouraged and edified by these words.  I have even gone out in social media world and I am live streaming a personal reflection on Scripture at 1 p.m. daily.

Early on I was struck by the hoarding of toilet paper by many Americans.  I am still not sure what that was all about.  But it struck me as extremely funny and people began sharing memes about the “Toilet Paper Crisis.”  There is even a Facebook group based on the “Crisis.”  I saw advertised tee shirts that said, “I survived the 2020 Toilet Paper Crisis.”  I was tempted to purchase that tee-shirt but decided not to because the real crisis is the death of thousands of people from this disease, and there is nothing funny about it.

However, I am sure there will be tee shirts, coffee mugs, bumper stickers, and other items put up for sale, after the pandemic passes. They will say, “I survived COVID 19,” or the “coronavirus,” or the “Pandemic.”  This pandemic will be a defining moment for many people as other historic events like 9/11 are defining moments.

In prayer, it came to me that this time needs to be more than “survival.”  If I made it a time set apart for the Lord, it could easily become a time of “revival.”  I didn’t want to come out of this time merely having survived, so that when the “crisis” ends I or the church go back to normal, or the Church got back to normal (perhaps with the addition of new technology).   I wanted it to be a time when I had turned away from all those things that have distracted me from picking up my cross and following Jesus.

I am seeking a new and renewed personal Pentecost.  I am praying that our Churches encounter a renewed Pentecost with fire and wind and zeal for the Lord Jesus.  Zeal that will force us out of “Upper Rooms” and into the streets. A Church proclaiming that Jesus is the Savior and that all who call upon Him will be saved.

Having gone out on social media with my own live stream and talking to others, we have discovered, by the number of views, that there is a hunger for the Gospel.  One Bishop is hosting a morning prayer meeting and thousands from around the world are joining him in prayer.  Small churches that have consistent attendance of 30 to 50 people are having hundreds join them via Facebook or YouTube.  Sometimes people, like myself, are listening to several sermons a day or attending online bible studies or small groups.  And, people who are not members of their Church are joining in on the study.  It is a new day.

Looks like Pentecost Sunday will be different (like Easter).  But let us pray that the Holy Spirit finds us as empty vessels ready to be filled again.  Let us be found ready to be used by the Lord Jesus, and to be empowered with the spiritual gifts for the building up of the Body of Christ, and for the evangelization of the world.  Let Pentecost be the beginning of a new day.

I continue to pray for each of you.

Under His mercy,

+Craig Bates
ICCEC, Patriarch

Celebrate Christ’s Ascension and the Gift of the Holy Spirit

Forty days after His Resurrection, Our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven.  Ten days later the Holy Spirit descended on the Feast of Pentecost.  Join with Church of the Messiah as we celebrate these momentous events in the life of Christ and His Church.

The celebration begins on Wednesday, May 24th, when we commemorate Our Lord’s return to Heaven on the Feast of the Ascension.  From six o’clock til 6:45, we will have a Soup Supper Fellowship Meal.  At seven o’clock our service for The Ascension begins.  There will be praise and worship, readings from Holy Scripture, a teaching about this rarely discussed moment in the life of Christ and His Church, as well as Holy Communion.  In addition, Church of the Messiah’s Youth Group will meet this evening and childcare is provided for those up to 5th grade.  The service will end in time for everyone to be home to prepare for school and work the next day.

Then we join with the Apostles and Disciples in a powerful time of prayerful waiting on the Lord.  Sunday morning, May 28th, we will have our “in between times” service beginning at ten o’clock in the morning.  This powerful service reflects the time in between the Ascension and Pentecost when Jesus’ followers “all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication” (Acts 1:14), awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit.  Our Sunday morning service, includes praise and worship, readings from Holy Scripture and a Bible-based teaching, as well and children’s Sunday School, and Communion.

On Wednesday, May 31st, we break from our normal Wednesday night routine and host a special service where we will be waiting on the Presence of the Lord.  We will still gather from 6:00-6:45, but on this night we will have a grilled cook out with hot dogs, hamburgers, and all the sides.  At seven o’clock our service begins but instead of a teaching we will have an extended time of praise and worship throughout our service.  We will still have childcare provided during the service and our service will still end in time for everyone to be home to prepare for school and work on Thursday morning.

Finally, on Sunday, June 4th, join with us beginning at 10 o’clock as we celebrate the Descent of the Holy Spirit and the Birth of the Church on the Feast of Pentecost.  This is one of the most powerful days in the whole history of the Church and we would love for you to join us as we commemorate this miraculous morning when three thousand believers came into the Kingdom of God.

For more information, please visit our website, e-mail us, or call us directly at 904-721-4199.  To God be all the glory for these amazing moments in the life of Christ and the Church.  Please join us as we celebrate them all!

Church of the Messiah Called to Ten Days of Prayer

Coptic Pentecost IconWednesday night, at the service to commemorate the Ascension of Our Lord, Fr. Scott Looker called every member of Church of the Messiah to ten days of prayer.  The first chapter of Acts of the Apostles describes how Jesus ascended into Heaven and how, before He was exalted, He said to His disciples, “you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now,” and, “you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” (Acts 1:5,8)  The disciples returned to Jerusalem and for ten days “continued with one accord in prayer and supplication” (Acts 1:14) until the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them and the Church was changed forever.  Mindful of these Scriptures, and reflecting on the teaching heard in the “Preparing for Pentecost” series throughout April, Fr. Looker called every member of Church of the Messiah “vigorously, earnestly, with intention” to  pray until the Day of Pentecost.  Each member is called to pray:

“For ten days, at some point in time every day, I want every member of Church of the Messiah to be praying that, corporately and individually, we have breakthrough and we have harvest, and that when Pentecost comes, we have more than we can ask or imagine.”

You can hear the entire call to ten days of prayer (< 2 minutes) by clicking the link below.  Pray expectantly for the next ten days and see what glory God will do when the Day of Pentecost arrives!

Church of the Messiah Observes the Eve of the Ascension this Wednesday

AscensionThis Wednesday night, at 7 o’clock, Church of the Messiah will celebrate and commemorate an incredible event in the life of Christ.  Forty days after Our Lord rose from the dead on Easter morning, Jesus gathered together with the Disciples and “while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.” (Acts 1:9)  With His Ascension into Heaven, Jesus left behind His incarnate earthly ministry and took His place at the right hand of the Father.

Join with Church of the Messiah as we gather to remember Christ rejoining His Father in Heaven and continuously interceding on our behalf.  We will celebrate this Feast with praise and worship, Biblical teaching, intercessory prayer and anointing, and the Holy Eucharist.  Childcare will be provided.  Celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord this Wednesday night beginning at 7 o’clock.

Tonight We Celebrate the Ascension!

The Ascension of Our LordThe Bible study might have ended but the Fifty Days of Glory are not over yet!  Tonight, Wednesday, May 28th, Church of the Messiah, will observe the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven.  The Ascension is the culmination of Our Lord’s ministry on earth and the scene of His final words to His Apostles before returning to the right hand of His Father in Heaven.  The Ascension also marks the start of the ten days of waiting until the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost!  This is truly a momentous event in the Life of Christ.

The service begins at seven o’clock and will be a Eucharistic service as we will celebrate this occasion by partaking in the Body and Blood of Our Lord.  Childcare will be provided tonight.  Make plans to fellowship with Our Lord and one another tonight as we commemorate this powerful moment in the history of salvation.