Wednesday is Church of the Messiah’s All Saints’ Festival

all-saints-festival-flyerThis Wednesday Night, October 31st, beginning at 6:30, Church of the Messiah will host our annual All Saints’ Eve Festival.   Be sure to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to a safe night of family-friendly fun for all with loads of games, candy, free food, candy, bounce houses, candy, and even cotton candy if you haven’t gotten enough candy!  It’s going to be a blast for everyone.

This is a wonderful event which provides a safe and fun alternative to trick or treating through neighborhoods.  Kids (and adults) can come to one location, play games, have dinner, and get every bit as much candy as they would have trekking about the neighborhood knocking on strangers’ doors.

Volunteers should plan on arriving around 6 o’clock and parking in the Fr. Caroline Presbyterian parking lot.  The party will wrap up at 8:30 and we should be done by 9 o’clock, but, of course, the more volunteers we have, the quicker we can be finished.

Get your best costume on, head to Church this evening, bring your friends and neighbors, and get ready to have a great time.  We will see you here!

Get Ready of Church of the Messiah’s All Saints’ Eve Festival

Halloween is an old English way of referring to the night before All Saints’ Day, so while children all over the country are heading out to gather candy and celebrate Halloween, Church of the Messiah will be hosting our annual All Saints’ Eve Festival.  We want to provide our local children with a safe place where they can have fun, get lots of candy, and, most importantly, receive the love of Christ.  We will be having bounce houses, carnival games, cotton candy, dinner, and lots and lots of candy.  In order to do this, we will need your of help.  First off, we will need plenty of volunteers.  Our evening will begin around  six o’clock when we start setting up and be done around nine o’clock when everything has been cleaned up.  You do not have to commit to being present the entire time, but we will need all the help we can get.  If you are able to volunteer, please contact Amanda Paysinger right away.  Secondly, we will need lots of candy.  From now until Halloween, please donate bags of candy.  You can bring them in on Wednesday nights, Sunday mornings, or whenever the office is open.  The “big box stores” (Sam’s, BJ’s, and Costco) and Publix BOGOs seem to be the best way to get the most bang for your buck.  This is major outreach to our local community and we need everyone to pull together to show Christ’s love in our local community.

Church of the Messiah to Host All Saints’ Festival

All Saints FestivalThis Saturday, October 31st, Church of the Messiah will host their third annual All Saints’ Festival.  Every year on All Saints’ Eve, Church of the Messiah hosts the celebration for the local community and parishioners alike.  This year there will be two different bounce houses, games, food, cotton candy, and, of course, lots and lots of candy.  Church of the Messiah has been preparing for this celebration all month, so be sure to come by and have a great time this Halloween, beginning at 4 o’clock and running until 6 o’clock.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Lizz Looker.