In Bible Study this morning, Fr. Ed read this poem:

Oaks of Righteousness

by Ralph I. Tilley 

“They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.”
–Isaiah 61:3 (NIV) 

In the midst of moral confusion,
Surrounded by darkness and despair,
God has planted His servants,
Who breathe in Heaven’s air. 

With roots reaching deeply into God:
His holiness, mercy, truth and love;
Each moment they are nourished
On nutrients from above. 

Having weathered many storms and droughts,
More than once appearing far weaker;
What would have killed lesser souls
Only makes these much stronger. 

With their arms ever-stretching upward,
And faces gazing into the light;
They taste the dews each morning,
Drinking in the Spirit’s might. 

While many others lie on the ground,
Casualties to the flesh and shame;
These stalwarts have stood the test of time,
Protected through Jesus’ name. 

They are the Lord’s own chosen planting,
Displaying His splendor all around;
“Oaks of Righteousness,” He says—
May their number, Lord, abound.

Copyright © 2010 by Life in the Spirit Ministries