In his Easter message, the Patriarch of the ICCEC, Archbishop Craig Bates encouraged all members of the communion to take advantage of the opportunities presented to them in this season and watch various CEC services that are available on-line.  (You can read his entire message by clicking HERE.)  To that end, we have compiled a partial and incomplete list of services and devotions that various churches and clergy are streaming on-line, including the Patriarch’s own daily devotional that can be seen on his Facebook page.

Morning Prayer from the Daily Office

Christ the Holy Servant, Buffalo, NY—Fr. Josh Baker & Dcn. Alan Strauss:  They lead Morning Prayer, Monday through Saturday at 7 o’clock, on Facebook and post their services on their YouTube Channel as well.

Daily Mass

Cathedral of Christ the King, Selma, AL—Abp. Charles Jones: The stream their noon Eucharist and Sunday services on their Facebook and YouTube.  Abp. Jones also does and Monday night “In Christ” devotional on his personal Facebook page.

Cathedral Church of the Intercessor, Malverne, NY—Fr. Brett Crompton: They stream Mass Monday through Saturday at noon, Friday at 6, and Saturday at 9:30 & 11:30 on both Facebook and YouTube.

Cathedral of Christ the King, New Paltz, NY—Bp. Gregory Ortiz: Monday, Wedneday, and Friday, Mass is at noon.  Thursday and Saturday, Mass is at 8 am.  Tuesday, Mass is at 5:30 pm.  Sunday morning services start at 10 am.  They also post a children’s story time.  Everything is on their Facebook page.

Cathedrals and Bishops

The Cathedral Church of the Resurrection—Bp. David Simpson: Full Sunday morning services begin live at 10 am on Facebook.

The Cathedral of Christ the King, Sharpsburg, GA—Bp. David Epps: The church has been posting their services live on their Facebook page and Bp. Epps has been doing brief daily devotionals and leading the Office of Compline (end of day prayers) on his Facebook page.

Cathedral Church of the King, Olathe, KS—Bp. Michael Davidson: Services are on their Facebook page.

Cathedral of St. Michael’s, San Clemente, CA—Bp. Doug Kessler and these guys get the award for the most cleverly named extra activity.  Fr. Ed Harris and his wife Mia give an online talk which he calls his “Ed Talk.”  Their services and their Ed Talks are on their Facebook page.

The Cathedral Church of the Reconciliation, Bel Air, MD—Bp. Robert Northwood: North America’s newest bishop is streaming his services on-line on their Facebook page.

Other Parishes and Missions

St. Michael & All Angels, Thomaston, GA—Fr. Michael Birdsong 

Emmaus Abbey Church, Knoxville, TN—Fr. Brett Travis

Trinity Communion Church, Rochester, NY—Fr. Eric Ockrin

Holy Trinity, Stewartstown, PA—Fr. Mark Nelson

Bread of Life, Dousman, WI—Fr. Chris Keough: Bread of Life is the parish that is closest to my seminary, but only just opened as I was leaving.  Fr. Chris is a fellow alumni of my alma mater or, as we refer to ourselves, a “son of the House.”

International Flavor

ICCEC Europe—Bp. Elmer Belmonte:  Bp. Belmonte oversees all of the CEC churches in Europe.  This Facebook page has daily devotionals as well as Sunday services, an Easter message from the Patriarch, and is definitely worth following!

The Patriarch has encouraged us to take full advantage of the abundance of talented three-streams preachers that are now available on the internet, both on Facebook and YouTube.  Take a few moments each day and watch a sermon from a faithful bishop or priest.  Watch a daily devotional and pray the Daily Office.  Come out of this season not overwhelmed by fear and doubt but empowered by the Word of God and fed by His Spirit and Truth!