This Sunday, April 5th, marks the beginning of the holiest week of the Christian calendar, however, this year, COVID-19 has changed the way that Christians will be observing Holy Week throughout the world.  On Wednesday, April 1st, both the Mayor of Jacksonville and the Governor of Florida issued their own “Safer at Home” orders directing non-essential businesses to close, residents to stay home unless on essential activities, and for everyone to maintain safe social distancing practices.

Thankfully, Governor DeSantis’ executive order specifically declares that churches and other houses of worship are essential during this time, but we will not do anything that might endanger either our congregation or those with whom they might come in contact.  The verse that Fr. Looker said would guide our actions during this time is still 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  We will continue to do everything that we can to share the love of God, but we will do so in a prudent way that makes every use of the sound minds which God has given us.

Recognizing that this current crisis makes for very fluid circumstances, here are our plans at the moment.  We will continue to live stream our Sunday morning services via Facebook Live.  We will do so with a skeleton crew that will be ten people or less, which follows the CDC recommendations and our Bishop’s directives.  Those people who are present in the building will do their best to maintain a healthy 6 feet of social distance whenever possible.  We will provide Holy Communion through the Host only to those who are present in the Sanctuary and those who join us in the parking lot at the designated times.  We believe that this allows us to be in submission to all of our earthly authorities while still remaining faithful to our heavenly authority which calls us to preach the Gospel at all times, and in all places; to be a light which shines in the darkness; and to bring hope to those who otherwise might have none.

In particular, we will hold our Palm Sunday service on Sunday, April 5th, beginning at 10 o’clock.  We will live stream the service through Facebook Live and those wishing to receive Holy Communion may do so in our parking lot from around 11 o’clock to 11:30.  At the time which we serve Holy Communion we will also distribute blessed palms to anyone present to take home.

Our Maundy Thursday service will be April 9th, starting at 7 o’clock.  While this service typically includes the clergy washing the feet of the congregation, we will obviously not be able to do that this year.  This service will be live streamed via Facebook Live.

Our Good Friday service will be release on our YouTube channel at noon on Friday, April 10th.  This will not be streamed live but we encourage those of you who watch it to share it on Facebook.  Our service will include the traditional reading of the Passion Gospel, the Solemn Collects, the adoration of the Cross, and, as is our tradition, seven meditations on the Passion of Our Lord.

We have yet to determine exactly how we will observe Holy Saturday.  In the past we have prayed the Liturgy for the Pre-Born outside a local abortion clinic.  We have yet to make a determination about this service.

Easter Sunday, April 12th, we will do our very best to celebrate the glorious resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ and to give that day all of the glory and honor it deserves.  Our service will be streamed live via our Facebook channel starting at 10 o’clock.  If you just cannot imagine an Easter Sunday without going to Church, then celebrate with us in our parking lot and receive Holy Communion from 11:00-11:30.

We know that these are anxious and uncertain times.  This will be a Holy Week unlike anything anyone has ever celebrated in over 100 years.  At Church of the Messiah, we are doing our very best to bring honor and glory to God, to bring hope and joy to God’s people, and to be that city on a hill that shines out God’s light in this dark time.  We invite you to join with us during this time.  By God’s grace, we will get through this together.