Bebe Reese sent us an update regarding Henry’s tests yesterday.  This is what she said:

More news, we guess.  Today at Mayo was interesting.  The short of it is that Henry needs to finish this cycle of chemo, go back to his pulmonologist for re-evaluation and another lung function test, and have an updated PT/CT scan.  At this point, probably the middle of March, we will probably confer with Mayo again to determine if he is a candidate for transplant. If he is, the stem cells will come from his own blood.   We understand that this is a very rigorous, 4 month long commitment, with a four week hospitalization period.  Help us pray for wisdom and peace.  The long of it is that the reality of the situation is almost overwhelming – with so many ifs.  As one of the oncologists said, “It is not for the faint-hearted.”  Once again, we thank you for your thoughts and prayers and we cherish your love and friendship.  Bebe