This Wednesday night, May 1st, Fr. Scott Melanson will begin a new teaching series as part of Church of the Messiah’s Wednesday night services.  The series will be entitled “(Not So) Random Thoughts from Fr. Scott (the Wiser)” and will continue for four weeks.  The title of the series hearkens back to early days of COM when then “Pastor Scott” would lead choir practice on Wednesday nights and give  short homilies to the worship department that were known as his “random thoughts.”  The service will begin at 7 o’clock and will include praise and worship, reading from Holy Scripture, “(Not So) Random Thoughts from Fr. Scott (the Wiser)”, as well as a time of prayer, and Holy Communion.  During these services Church of the Messiah’s Youth Group also meets and we have childcare provided for children 5th grade and under.  Please be aware that are not having community dinners through the month of May.  The service will end promptly by 8:30 to give everyone adequate time to get home and prepare for work and school the next morning.  Please join us this Wednesday, for this wonderfully surprising teaching series.