Father David announced that he wants 100% of the congregation participating in the upcoming Late Night at His Warehouse event.  Friday and Saturday, March 4 – 5, our Youth Group will be ministering in downtown Jacksonville in some of the poor neighborhoods in the city.  The Youth Group needs your help.  There are three ways you can participate:

  1. You can give money–the cost is $39 per participants and we would love to scholarship students;
  2. You can send food–we need to bring enough food to feed between 50 and 70 people Friday night;
  3. You can come along–We would love to have twenty people attending and ministering this weekend.  Our Youth Group has eight students; we need your help.  We particularly need female chaperons.  

100% participation means that we need YOU to do SOMETHING! 

Contact Fr. Scott or Lizz Looker to volunteer!