Did you ever wonder why some people kneel at times during our service?  Do you want to know when you are supposed to make the Sign of the Cross or, more importantly, why we make the Sign of the Cross at all?  What’s the deal with the incense?  Most importantly, what does any of our worship have to do with the Bible?

Sunday, March 6, Church of the Messiah will be having an Instructed Eucharist.  This means that we will “skip” the sermon that day and in stead we will have someone “narrate” all of the actions taken during the service.  We will explain why we do what we do, what it has to do with the Bible, and answer all of the above questions and more! There will be a special bulletin that will include narrated comments.

This will be a great service to bring a friend and an excellent outreach opportunity.  If you’ve ever brought a friend and they had questions you could not answer, invite them back and tell them they’ll get their answers on March 6!