The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is just too amazing to only celebrate one day.  That’s why we celebrate Easter for fifty days and we want you to join us!

At Church of Messiah, throughout the Season of Easter, from Easter Sunday through June 4th, we will keep on celebrating Our Lord’s victory over death and the grave.  Every Sunday morning we will celebrate His triumph over the last enemy and His ministry here on Earth after He rose from the dead.  We will have special sermons and worship dedicated to this incredible time in the life of Christ.  This season reaches its climax on June 4th when we celebrate Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit and birth of the Church!  Even our children will be a part of these celebrations as they will have special teachings and ministry that goes along with our sermons and worship.

The celebration is not limited to Sunday mornings alone.  Every Wednesday night from April 26th through May 31st, we will be living out Our Lord’s command to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) by focusing on Discipleship Training.  Our Wednesday night teaching series will be dedicated to improving those aspects of our lives that allow us to be better disciples: prayer, fasting, worship, meditation on Holy Scripture, and much more.  We know how hectic weeknight worship can be and we want to make everyone’s life easier, so prior to the service we have a free soup supper from 6 o’clock to 6:45.  The service begins at seven o’clock and lasts until 8:30 so everyone can have time to get home in time to get ready for school and work the next day.  Church of the Messiah’s Youth Group also meets on Wednesday nights and childcare is provided for ages 2 through fifth grade.

It’s not about bunnies and candy, it’s about Our Savior’s victory over all enemies, even death and the grave.  Because He lives, we can have life everlasting.  This is just too much Good News to only celebrate for one day.  We would love for you to join us as we celebrate Jesus’ ultimate victory every Sunday and Wednesday until June 4th.

Alleluia!  Christ is risen!

The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!