Due to circumstances beyond our control, the re-opening of public worship intended for this weekend will be postponed until next Sunday, July 5th.  We apologize for the late notice, the inconvenience, and the disappointment that accompanies this news.  We know how excited everyone was to gather again together and worship The Lord.  We look forward to doing so next Sunday.  Our service this Sunday, June 28th, will be streamed on Facebook Live as it has been in the past.  Please share this message on your personal social media pages in order to get the message out to as many people as possible.

Starting Sunday, July 5th, Church of the Messiah will hold its first worship service that will be open to the public since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic in March.  Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church, the church from whom we lease our building, is graciously allowing us to worship in their sanctuary throughout the month of July.  Their sanctuary can seat up to 300 people, so our congregation may gather together once again and still maintain appropriate social distancing as is prudent for the day and age.  We are so excited to be able to worship together (in person) once again after worshiping together on-line for four months.

We are not pretending, however, that the Corona Virus is gone.  We ask the those whom the Centers for Disease Control considers especially vulnerable or at higher risk for infection (older adults, those with lung, heart, or liver disease, or those with autoimmune issues) to prayerfully consider staying home.  At the same time, we must insist that those who feel sick, or those who have been in contact with anyone has been sick or who might possibly have COVID-19 stay home.  Church of the Messiah has been blessed with a phenomenal record thus far of zero infections and we do not want that record to ever come to an end.  For the sake of those who are either unable to attend or uncomfortable attending public services at this point in time, we will continue streaming our Sunday morning services live on Facebook.

We will be working with Fr. Looker, the Rector’s Council, and various ministry leaders throughout the week in order to ensure that we are able to worship The Lord in the most glorious way possible while also being as safe as possible.  There are a great many moving parts that are still being adjusted and will likely continue to be adjusted very late into the week.  For the latest updates, please check our social media on Facebook or Instagram and this web-page.  Also, Wednesday night at 7 o’clock, Fr. Looker will dedicate his entire Fireside Chat to providing the most up to date information about the upcoming service so please watch that podcast on our Facebook or YouTube channel.

Ultimately, we are so blessed that we will be able to worship together this Sunday, June 28th, starting at 10 o’clock, in the sanctuary of Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church.  Please keep an eye out for more information this week as it becomes available.