Church of the Messiah will be supporting Emergency Pregnancy Services throughout the Christmas season this year with a Giving Tree. We have a Christmas tree in the foyer of the parish with ornaments that each have a need for new moms and new babies! You can take an ornament off the tree and we will be collecting the gifts at our Epiphany service in January. Some of the items EPS needs are baby wipes, baby shampoo, baby wash, baby lotion, diaper cream, newborn baby clothes, and maternity clothes size large, XL, XXL. If you are not part of our church and would like to help, just contact Lizz Looker and we will help make arrangements. Also if you are unable to get to a store, you can also donate on-line to Church of the Messiah and we will make sure that EPS receives all of the funds donated to them.
If you have not heard of Emergency Pregnancy Services before, EPS is a local pregnancy crisis center that supports women by providing free services such as pregnancy tests, proof of pregnancy, material goods, counseling, support and so much more. They have been serving the women of our community for over 45 years! Lizz Looker has had a long-standing relationship with EPS for over 13 years and was instrumental in helping open the Arlington branch of EPS when Fr. David was rector of Church of the Messiah.
Thank you for giving of yourself in this Christmas season to support those who are need.