This Sunday is Palm Sunday

Church of the Messiah invites you to join us this Sunday, March 25th, starting at 10 am, as we celebrate Palm Sunday.  Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday, is the the Sunday one week before Easter where the church commemorates Our Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.  Church of the Messiah observes this celebration by beginning our Sunday morning services in the courtyard of our church with special readings and prayers to bless palms for the congregation.  Then we all process into the church together reading pilgrim Psalms and singing songs of worship.  It is a powerful way to relive Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem in the week before His death and resurrection.  This service will also include a special dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel according to St. Mark read by various members of the congregation.  It is a vivid reminder of all that our Lord endured on our behalf and a potent way to begin Holy Week.  We invite everyone to join us at this special service.  For more information,visit the Palm Sunday Facebook eventemail or call Church of the Messiah at 904-721-4199.

The Patriarch’s Letter on The Feast of Our Lord and the Giver of Life

Each year, the Patriarch of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, Archbishop Craig Bates, publishes a letter on the Feast of Our Lord and the Giver of Life which is the third Sunday in January.  This year, the feast falls on January 21st.  Please take a few moments and read this message from our Patriarch.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Is there ever going to be an end to the holocaust of abortion?

Year after year, in the cold of winter, I have traveled to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life. It is a march to the Supreme Court where, in 1973, nine people unleashed the legalization of the murder of preborn children on America. At that time, most thought terminating pregnancy was merely a matter of removing “fetal tissue.” We were told that the “fetal tissue” was not human life, but human life in formation. The dissuasions centered around when that life began but, ultimately, the Supreme Court ruled that a woman has a constitutional right to choose to terminate her pregnancy.

Now, with all the scientific evidence at our disposal, we know that human life begins at conception. However, the courts continue to support a woman’s ability to choose not just the termination of pregnancy, but the ending of a human life.

We have elected “pro-life” representatives, senators, and even pro-life presidents. Yet abortion remains legal, and the politicians hide behind excuses for not passing legislation that would severely limit abortions, or even end the funding of abortion providers.

Is it hopeless?

No, it is not hopeless. But it is generational. We have made progress in educating young people about the evils of abortion.  We have raised up a generation of pro-life activists who will work tirelessly to see the end of abortion and create a time when abortion will be unthinkable. The next generation will end abortion, not only in America but worldwide.

The Charismatic Episcopal Church is not a church that is pro-life, it is a pro-life church. Our roots and heritage are not only in convergence worship, but in the message that all life is sacred and that the family rests at the core of Christian spirituality.

Over the years, CEC for Life has represented us at every major pro-life event. Not just in America, but throughout the world.  And that work has taken root. Fr. Terry Gensemer, director of CEC for Life, sits with almost every major or significant prolife group in the global community. He has, over the last decade, raised up a generation in the CEC across the world that is pro-life. Soon, that new generation will be in the leadership of CEC for Life. It is a generation raised up for the purpose of ending the holocaust of abortion and proclaiming the life giving message of the Gospel.

We need to continue our work and in fact, strengthen and build our work.

This year, the Feast of our Lord the Giver of Life falls on Sunday, January 21st. We will once again take an offering, as well as renew our memberships and the memberships of our churches in CEC for Life. There is information enclosed that will help us in meeting your obligation.

Let us continue fervently in prayer. Let us also keep steadfast in the work of the Lord Jesus until His coming again.

Under His mercy,

The Most Rev. Craig W. Bates
Patriarch, ICCEC

Join Church of the Messiah as We Celebrate Christmas

Church of the Messiah warmly invites you to join us for all of our Christmas celebrations.   This year, our celebrations begin on Sunday morning, December 24th, at 10 o’clock, when we observe the final Sunday service in the Season of Advent.  That night, starting at seven o’clock, we will have our annual family service.  The Family Service is a special time with a presentation from our Children’s Ministries, Children’s Sermon, and singing of Christmas Carols by candlelight.  On Monday morning, December 25th, we have our annual Christmas Day Mass beginning at ten o’clock.  The Christmas Day Mass is a said mass that allows those who attend to worship the Lord on Christmas while still being present for all of the family obligations later on in the day.  We would love for you to join us at any of all of these wonderful, once a year services.

Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King

ChristtheKingThis Sunday, November 26th, starting at 10 o’clock, Church of the Messiah will celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.  This is the Feast where we rejoice in the truth that our God is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, that every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, and, ultimately, every power in Heaven and on Earth shall submit to the authority of our God who will reign forever.  In a time of uncertainty and fear, it is a time to rejoice in the certainty of the ultimate outcome.  The Feast of Christ the King also marks the end of the liturgical year since the following Sunday will begin the First Sunday of Advent.  With this Sunday essentially being “New Year’s Eve” for the Church, Sunday is sure to be a service that no one will want to miss.  Be sure to attend this Sunday morning, beginning at 10 o’clock for an incredible time of worship.  Everyone is welcome and childcare is provided.

Tuesday Night Is Church of the Messiah’s All Saints’ Eve Festival!

all-saints-festival-flyerThis Tuesday Night, October 31st, beginning at 6:30, Church of the Messiah will host our annual All Saints’ Eve Festival.   Be sure to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to a safe night of family-friendly fun for all with loads of games, candy, free food, candy, bounce houses, candy, and even cotton candy if you haven’t gotten enough candy!  It’s going to be a blast for everyone.

This is a wonderful event which provides a safe and fun alternative to trick or treating through neighborhoods.  Kids (and adults) can come to one location, play games, have dinner, and get every bit as much candy as they would have trekking about the neighborhood knocking on strangers’ doors.

Volunteers should plan on arriving around 6 o’clock and parking in the Fr. Caroline Presbyterian parking lot.  The party will wrap up at 8:30 and we should be done by 9 o’clock, but, of course, the more volunteers we have, the quicker we can be finished.

Get your best costume on, head to Church this evening, bring your friends and neighbors, and get ready to have a great time.  We will see you here!

Sunday Service Cancelled due to Hurricane Irma

In light of the unpredictable nature of Hurricane Irma, Fr. Looker, in consultation with the Rector’s Council, has decided to cancel services for this Sunday, September 10th.  While there is a possibility that there storm may not severely impact Jacksonville until after services would have ended, there is also the possibility that major Bridges may close during our regular service times, leaving parishioners trapped and unable to return home.

In light of the frequently changing predictions regarding Irma’s path and impact, it is important to realize that our trust and hope is neither in forecasts nor sandbags, but The Lord God Almighty.  Being a Christian does not exempt us from the storms of life, either literally or metaphorically.  We do, however, have the promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. He speaks to the storm and says, “Peace. Be still,” and calms both the storm and the storm in our hearts.

Please be safe during the storm and pay for those who already have and will be impacted by Hurricane Irma.

Fr. Alan Melanson to Preach at Church of the Messiah this Sunday

This Sunday, August 20th, Fr. Alan Melanson will preach at Church of the Messiah’s ten o’clock service.

Fr. Alan is a Jacksonville native who graduated from Sandalwood High School and attended the University of North Florida.  In 2004, Fr. Alan moved to New York where he began serving at the Director of Youth and Children’s Ministries at the Church of the Intercessor in Malverne, NY.  Ordained to the priesthood in June of 2012, Fr. Alan currently oversees every ministry in the church that ministers to children from infants to college-age.  Heavily committed to the Pro-Life movement, Fr. Alan and his family are regularly involved in CEC For Life and have traveled internationally to spread the truth that All Life is Sacred.  Fr. Alan and his wife, Katie, married in 2002 and have three beautiful daughers: Jocelyn, Callie and Charlotte.  Fr. Alan is the son of Fr. Scott and Cyndy Melanson.

Please join us this Sunday as Fr. Alan Melanson brings the Gospel to Church of the Messiah.


Fr. Robert Massey to Visit Church of the Messiah this Sunday!

This Sunday, July 30th, Church of the Messiah is pleased to welcome Fr. Robert Massey as he comes to minister the Gospel with us.

Fr. Robert was ordained to the Priesthood on May 19th of this year after ministering for two years in the Diaconate.  He currently serves as Priest-in-Residence at St. John the Divine Charismatic Episcopal Church in Palatka, Florida.   While he currently teaches the Adult Sunday School Class, his responsibilities range from preaching and celebrating the Holy Eucharist to visiting the homebound and cleaning the parish.  Fr. Robert’s chief ministry, however, is to advance the Kingdom of God through service to those within the church and without.  He often walks the streets of Palatka for hours talking with people and sharing the his own testimony and the love that the Heavenly Father has for His people.  Visiting Church of the Messiah with Fr. Robert will be his wife Lisa.  Though they have only been married for four years (this time), the story of their previous divorce, reconciliation and remarriage is an incredible testimony of how God can restore the broken.

Please join us in welcoming Fr. Robert and Lisa Massey to COM this Sunday morning beginning at 10 o’clock.  Fr. Robert is powerfully anointed and this Sunday is sure to be a service full of God’s wisdom and power.



This Sunday is Foundation Day

Every year on the Sunday closest to the anniversary of the consecration of our first Bishop, Archbishop Randolph Adler (26 June, 1992) we collect an special offering. While this offering was originally inteded to present Archbishop Adler with funds to help him in his own ministry, Abp. Adler instead insisted that the best use of this money was to provide grants and loans to our churches that were building and expanding their facilities.  The money collected in the Foundation Day offering is dispersed in three ways:

1/3 of the donations received go to provide Grants.  Any funds not used in a given year are rolled over the the next year.

1/3 of the donation received go to provide Loans, plus the previous loans that have been paid back.  Loans are provided at 3% simple interest, with an initial 3 year grace period, in which no interest or fees incur. Funds not used in a given year, are rolled over to the next year.

1/3 of the donations  are Invested into and Vanguard S&P index stock fund.  These funds have been accumulating for many years, and at the present there are no plans to withdrawal or distribute the funds.

An accounting of all the money that has been received is available on-line by clicking HERE. Traditionally, the suggested donation has been $10 per person in their family.  Please prayerfully considering giving to support the long-term development of the Charismatic Episcopal Church through the Foundation Day Offering.

A Special Night of Fellowship and Worship

This Wednesday, May 31st, Church of the Messiah will host a special service as we prepare for the Outpouring the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.  We will dispense with our regular teaching and preaching for a night and have, instead, a night of worshiping the Lord through an extended time of Praise & Worship.  The service begins at seven o’clock and will include prayer and supplication, a special offertory dance, and the Holy Communion.

Prior to the service, from 6:00-6:45, in lieu of our usual soup supper, we will have a cook out with hamburgers and hotdogs.  Instead of signing up to bring a soup, just bring your favorite side to share with others.  If you don’t have time to get a side ready, don’t worry about it at all.  There will be plenty for everyone.

We will still have childcare provided for those under younger than sixth grade.  We will structure the service so that attendees will be able to leave by 8:30 in order to prepare for work and school the next day, but we may stick around longer and linger in what the Lord does.

As we live in the “in between” times between the Ascension and Pentecost, we would love for you to join us this Wednesday for a night of fellowship and worshiping Our Lord.