Videos from Youth Sunday…

… have been posted on the Church of the Messiah’s Facebook page.  Click here to view them!  We have one song from praise and worship and the offertory skit “Population Me.”  Hunter’s sermon should be up very soon.  All of our youth did an incredible job and thanks to Brian and Amy for all their hard work in putting the morning together.

Oaks of Righteousness

In Bible Study this morning, Fr. Ed read this poem:

Oaks of Righteousness

by Ralph I. Tilley 

“They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.”
–Isaiah 61:3 (NIV) 

In the midst of moral confusion,
Surrounded by darkness and despair,
God has planted His servants,
Who breathe in Heaven’s air. 

With roots reaching deeply into God:
His holiness, mercy, truth and love;
Each moment they are nourished
On nutrients from above. 

Having weathered many storms and droughts,
More than once appearing far weaker;
What would have killed lesser souls
Only makes these much stronger. 

With their arms ever-stretching upward,
And faces gazing into the light;
They taste the dews each morning,
Drinking in the Spirit’s might. 

While many others lie on the ground,
Casualties to the flesh and shame;
These stalwarts have stood the test of time,
Protected through Jesus’ name. 

They are the Lord’s own chosen planting,
Displaying His splendor all around;
“Oaks of Righteousness,” He says—
May their number, Lord, abound.

Copyright © 2010 by Life in the Spirit Ministries

Don’t Look Now!!!

The brand new Church of the Messiah web page is up and running!

Well… at least it is up.  Check back on a daily basis for updates and see what I’ve managed to get accomplished on the new page!