Church of the Messiah to Worship at Gooding Auditorium This Weekend

IMG_20130822_173147With our departure only a few weeks away, Jacksonville University has been gracious enough to allow us to worship in the Gooding Auditorium one last time before we head to our new location.  This Sunday, everything will be exactly the same except that we will be in the Gooding Auditorium instead of the regular chapel (Click HERE for a map.  Park in “Lot A”).  Sunday services still begin at 10:30am.  The Rector’s Council will still gather to pray at 9:30am and the entire congregation is still welcome to join in that prayer time.  This is not an inconvenience.  This is an opportunity sanctify a place at JU and make the Gooding Auditorium a “Thin Place” because it has been a place where Christians have pushed hard towards the Lord.  It’s not an inconvenience; it’s an opportunity!

Also, don’t forget, this Saturday is our TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY Founders’ Day Celebration!

Youth Group Pasta Pre-Sale This Weekend

tortellini_CatarinaThis Sunday, after Church, the Youth Group will be taking orders for “Pasta Catarina”–stuffed cheese tortellini with meatballs in a creamy rose sauce!  It’s named that because we will be delivering it on August 25, Catherine Looker’s birthday!  This pasta sale has a two-fold purpose: first, the Youth Group is raising funds to pay for our September trip to Night of Joy.  Secondly, we are raising money to decorate and equip the new youth room in our new church!  The cost for each order is $10 and comes with a generous portion of pasta and a piece of garlic bread.  The meals will be delivered after Church on August 25.  We will take orders this Sunday after Church or you can e-mail Fr. Scott Looker by clicking this LINK.  Thank you for supporting Church of the Messiah’s Youth Group!

Praising God as We Tour Our New Home!

IMG_20130810_165256 As of Thursday, August 8th, Fr. David and the and the leadership of Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church entered into a lease agreement that will allow Church of the Messiah the full use of FCPC’s education building.  Their “education building” allows us to have a sanctuary worship space, conference room, kitchen, youth room, two kids’ church classrooms, a nursery, and two offices all in the same building!  This means that very soon Church is leaving Jacksonville University!  Starting this Sunday, August 11, after our regular 10:30 service in the Sam R. Marks Chapel at Jacksonville University, we will caravan as a group the 1.2 miles to our new location to pray over the building, get a pre-renovation tour, and thank God for this amazing opportunity! (You can click HERE if you would like to see a map.)  Then on Saturday, August 31, we are having a Parish Office Moving Day as we relocate our offices from our old offices on Regency Square Boulevard to our new home!  We will need all hands (and trucks) on deck for that day!  Renovations to our new sanctuary worship space begin as soon as the city approves the permits and we anticipate, by God’s grace, worshiping in our new church home in early October.  We promise to have information to you as quickly as we receive it.  For now, join us this Sunday in praying over and thanking God for a new tabernacle while we continue to build God a temple.

This Tuesday Is Parish Council

On Tuesday night, at 7 pm in the parish office, we will hold our monthly Parish Council meeting. Parish Council is the regular meeting of all of our ministry leaders to coordinate the ministries and activities of Church of the Messiah for the next few months. Ministry leaders please plan on attending or contact Carla at the Parish Office if you are unavailable. Those not attending the meeting, please pray that the Lord’s will be done in all events and projects which Church of the Messiah undertakes.

“Christmas in July” Baby Shower for Emergency Pregnancy Services is Saturday!

1005431_10100377804518907_1083086520_nThis Saturday, July 13th, Church of the Messiah’s Women’s Ministry will hold its annual “Christmas in July” Baby Shower for Emergency Pregnancy Services.  This year, the shower begins at 10am at the home of Jill (& Craig) Stafford (click HERE for a map).  EPS most needs: diaper bags, diapers (sizes 4, 5, & 6), bottles, clothing, wipes, baby formula, bibs, or cash donations.  To view the full-size version of the flyer click HERE.  To RSVP or for more information, please contact Janice Paysinger at 703-9866.

Foundation Day Sunday, 23 June

My dear brothers in the Lord,

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Be assured that my prayers are with you.  I am reminded every day as I do the Daily Office or Preside at a Celebration of the Holy Eucharist that not only do we pray individually but our prayers are intimately connected.

On the Sunday closest to June 26th we are required by Canon Law to take up an offering. Which has come to be known as “The Foundation Day Offering.”  It should be noted that this is not an “option” or a “suggestion” but is part of vows to obey the Canons of the Church.  That aside this is a Thank-offering for the birth of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.

God called our Communion into existence.  It is now 21 years since the consecration of Austin Randolph Adler as the first Bishop of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.  Since then thousands of Churches have join us and we have Churches all around the world.  Daily we get inquiries about joining us.  We have so much to be thankful for in our Church.

The Foundation Day Offering is given to the Patriarch to be used for the purchase of buildings or property.  The small amount that has been collected has been dispersed in grants and loans to many churches.  This past year we were able to help three churches secure buildings.

We also invest money for the future.  Right now we have 100,000 USD in the bank.  It is collecting interest and we expect the amount to grow so that in the years to come we can have a much larger pool of monies to help.

Growth is happening around the world.  I just heard from Abp. Paulo about the growth in Brazil.  He suggests that we could see more Dioceses in the near future.  There are also so many new churches in Africa, Asia, and the United States.  We are building together.

Please take up the Foundation Day Offering.  Then send the monies to the Patriarch’s Office.

Again be assured of my prayers,

Under His mercy,

The Most Rev. Craig W. Bates,

Patriarch, ICCEC.

from the

Sunday is the Last Day to Order Gumbo!

imagesThe Youth Group is selling Gumbo once again to raise money for our Summer fun.  This Sunday, May 26th, is the last day to get your orders in.  One serving is $10 and comes with a generous portion of chicken and andouille (sausage) gumbo with rice and, of course, a piece of french bread.  In a change from previous sales, the youth will be gathering to make the food and then we will be delivering the food to you on Saturday, June 1st.  The money we raise from this we go to off-set the cost of the Diocesan Youth Retreat and Southeastern Provincial Convocation the week of June 16th through 22nd.  Thanks for supporting the Youth Group!

Don’t Forget: This Saturday is the Community Fish Fry

Fish FryIt’s time once again for Earl Shimp and his crew (pictured left) to start preparing some of the best fish caught within 100 miles of Jacksonville.  Come to the Arlington Senior Center (click HERE for a map) Saturday, May 18th, for Church of the Messiah’s annual Fish Fry.  Set up will start at 11am, if you would like to volunteer.  Lunch will be served starting at noon.  Please bring a side dish or a dessert to share along with your friends and family.  You can also click HERE to see the Community Fish Fry’s very own Facebook event page!

There Is An Ultreya Tonight!

taimageTonight we will have monthly Ultreya at the home of Greg and Diane Looker (Click HERE for map).  Dinner begins at 6 with separate reunion groupings for men and women beginning at 7 and concluding with the Holy Eucharist.  Please bring a side-dish for dinner.  The Ultreya is open to anyone who has attended a Tres Arroyos Weekend or any Three-Day Weekend retreat like Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, etc…  Contact the Parish Office for more details.