Renovations Are Going Fantastically

For perspective, let’s start off by looking at some before and after photos.

IMG_20130904_161445Do you remember this picture of the three sliding glass doors on the Southern wall of our Sanctuary?  The Altar will eventually go right in the middle of the center door.  See all of the stuff hanging from the ceiling and the who-knows-what left on the floor?

IMG_20130912_190953Look at it now!  There is nothing hanging from the ceiling now because there is no ceiling anymore.  That shining white light in the bottom corner of the photo is the only sliding glass door left because the other two have been closed up.  We also found the the trusses in the ceiling are going to give us a ceiling height of around 9’7″ which is much higher than we expected and will be much nicer for our services.  The construction crews are working on getting everything lined up with lighting and air-conditioning before they put the ceiling back in place for us.

IMG_20130912_191022Here is the Sanctuary from the opposite corner.  You can see that they have not only taken down the ceiling, but they have cleaned up the floors and completely removed the closets that were against the wall in this picture as well.


IMG_20130912_191211If you squint your eyes really closely and you can get a sneak peak of what the room will look like by checking out the blue prints that are tacked up to the back wall of the Sanctuary.



IMG_20130904_165412Do you remember this photo of Carla working hard at putting the office together?  Do you see the piles of boxes that are taller than she is?




IMG_20130912_192814Carla has been working so hard that now the room looks like this.  Of course, she worked so hard that we finally let her go home once the sun went down.  Then Janice sat down at Carla’s desk to start handing out new keys  to the new locks….


IMG_20130912_192745…while an “unnamed volunteer” works away at the accounting desk.  Special thanks go out to all of the volunteers who have helped make this transition possible over the last three weeks!  We thank God for all of you!


IMG_20130912_192821We now have a hallway that is almost completely empty.  This is a huge deal if you were there during the move and remember what it looked like that day.  Just know that many people had to turn sideways to maneuver all the way down the hall.  There are no “before” pictures from that time because it was too horrible to photograph.  Now the hallway is looking quite nice.

IMG_20130912_215204The Conference Room is back to looking like and functioning as a Conference Room again.  For about a week and a half it was a great furniture depository, but almost all of the furniture has been put back into the rooms which it belongs or is waiting to go into the Sanctuary.  The Rector’s Council was able to hold their meeting in the Conference Room last night.

IMG_20130912_215231Finally, while he has not yet got his pictures up on the wall, Fr. David has his office, complete with his old faithful desk, couch, and conference table.  He has also acquired a unique, hardwood vestment wardrobe from Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church.

As for the real good news, the city has officially approved our building permits and David Monk’s team from ShayCore Enterprises has been hard at work already getting things prepared as quickly as possible.  We have met with out interior design team and have a plan for moving forward once construction in completed.  Although it is still very early in the process, we appear to be both on schedule and on budget.

There is still much to do but yet even more to be excited about as we move forward in this critical time in the life of Church of the Messiah.  Please continue to pray for God’s blessing and favor on all aspects of our move and all those who are involved!

Unstoppable Movie Night on September 24

UnstoppableIn two weeks, on September 24, Church of the Messiah will have a Movie Night.  Award-winning actor, writer, and producer Kirk Cameron has created a documentary film in response to the question: “Why does a loving God allow horrible things to happen to good people?” He calls this his “most personal project ever.”  You can click HERE to see the Official Trailer for the movie.

On Tuesday, September 24, we will meet at a restaurant near Tinseltown to discuss the movie over dinner before heading over to Tinseltown Theater at 8pm.  This is a one-time only showing sponsored by Liberty University and, since there is only one showing, you should probably buy your tickets in advance.  (Click HERE to buy the tickets on-line)

We understand that this is a school-night and that some people may not be able to attend.  If you cannot attend dinner beforehand but still would like to join us for the movie, that is totally fine.  Some people may want to get a cup of coffee afterwards to further discuss the movie.  Please join us for whatever you are able to attend.  If you are interested in attending, please RSVP on the Unstoppable Movie Night Event on Church of the Messiah’s Facebook Page or by contacting Fr. Scott Looker directly.  This promises to be an amazing night and we look forward to addressing this challenging issue together.

The Youth Group is Heading to Night of Joy!

nightofjoy2013Church of the Messiah’s Youth Group is on their way to Disney World’s Magic Kingdom for the 31st annual Night of Joy, a Christian music festival at the world’s most famous amusement park.  The park opens at 4pm and patrons are given free rein until 1pm in the morning!  Meanwhile, artists like The Newsboys, TobyMac, Francesca Battistelli, Building 429, Group 1 Crew, Matthew West, PLUMB, and Jamie Grace will all be performing at various stages around the park.  With Michael Tait performing as the lead singer for the Newsboys and TobyMac also performing, could there be a DC Talk reunion in front of of Cinderella’s Castle?  I know some people who are wishing upon a star…  The Youth Group is able to attend this year due to some very gracious gifts from scholarships, a pair of donated tickets, and from everyone who bought pasta last week.  Thank you for all that you do to support our Youth Group.  We will see you next Sunday.  We will be posting pictures on our Facebook pages and our Church of the Messiah’s Facebook page at

The Women’s Retreat Dead-Line is Quickly Approaching

Women's Retreat 1The 2013 Women’s Retreat is almost here and it is going to be an amazing encounter with the Lord God Almighty as well as an opportunity to fellowship with the women from Church of the Messiah.  This Women's Retreat 2year’s theme is “Empowered & Impassioned” and the retreat will be conducted by local ministry leader and long-time friend of many of the women of Church of the Messiah, Amelia Gaillard.  You can click on the image beside to read a detailed biography of Amelia.  The retreat will once again be held at the beautiful Epworth-by-the-Sea retreat center in St. Simon’s Island, GA.  The cost can be as low at $167 per person depending on your room-mate arrangements.  If you are interested in attending, please contact Janice Paysinger right away.  All monies need to be turned in by September 22.

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm;
For love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away.

Song of Solomon 8:6-7


It Was an Amazing Weekend at Church of the Messiah

hollies baby shower

The Ladies from Church of the Messiah Gathering Together to Bless Hollie Soward

First, we received word on Friday that our building permit process for the renovations to the sanctuary space on University Club Blvd is now showing as “under review” and that David Monk is ready to move forward with the demolition portion of our job.  He will be mobilizing his team from ShayCore Enterprises and begin preparing the job on Tuesday.  He currently plans to start the demolition work either Wednesday or Thursday of this week!  Also this week, our resident interior designer, Brooke Shimp, will be helping us with color scheme suggestions.  Things are really beginning to come together in our new home!

Secondly, WE HAVE MOVED! Saturday morning a dozen of our mighty men gathered at our old office building and emptied the place out.  There were five ladies there to help them along, but, when all was said and done, everything from our old offices was moved into our new home on University Club Blvd.  It did take the better part of seven hours, a full moving van, several packed out trucks and vans, and one trip to the emergency room, but by God’s grace, everything was moved and it did not rain until the last box was inside.  May God pour out a special blessing on all those who showed up to help that day and heal them of all their stiff joints and sore muscles (and concussion)!

Moving Day

Thankfully, what we believe is the ONLY picture of “The Great Office Move of August 30th”

Third, while that was going on, ten ladies from Church of the Messiah gathered together to bless Hollie Soward with a baby shower.  Hollie was very blessed to have her church family shower gifts on her and baby Ashton (only a few weeks away now).  There was even something special there for big sister Aliyah as well.  There was amazing food and fellowship and opportunity to gather together as sisters in the body of Christ to anticipate and celebrate the expected gift of a new life into our family and congregation.

Finally, we gathered together to worship Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to Celebrate His Resurrection on Sunday morning.  The sermon is available in our Sermon Library, by the way.  While many of us capped off the long weekend with an extra day of rest, there were still some stout-hearted volunteers back up at our new offices making ready for the offices to open next week.

All in all, it was an amazing weekend at Church of the Messiah.  By God’s grace, next week should be even more amazing!


Baby Shower for Hollie Soward This Saturday

Mommy's Little ManThis Saturday the women of Church of the Messiah are throwing a Baby Shower for Hollie Soward and Baby Ashton.  Hollie is due on September 13th, so Ashton’s arrival is only a few weeks away.  Hollie and Ashton (and Dad Aaron and Big Sis Aliyah) are registered at Target, and have asked especially for 3-6 months baby clothes, diapers and wipes, receiving blankets, bibs, and gift cards to Target and Publix. The party begins at 10:30am at the home of Lizz Looker (Click HERE for a map.  Fr. Scott lives there too, but he won’t be there.)  If you would like to bring a dish to the shower, please contact Lizz at 904-424-8622.  So this Saturday, while the men are working away at moving the offices, join the ladies and Hollie as they celebrate Ashton’s arrival in just a few weeks!

Updates on the New Building Renovations

IMG_20130810_165256The Rector’s Council wants to make sure that everyone in the congregation is completely up to date on all of the renovations going on with our new building.  With that in mind we are making these updates available.

Since we signed the lease with Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church we received bids from two different companies to renovate the sanctuary.  ShayCore Enterprises Inc., a company partly owned by long-time friend of Church of the Messiah David Monk,  was the successful bidder and the Rector’s Council has accepted their proposal to renovate the sanctuary space.

This past Sunday Ft. Caroline Presbyterian Church’s leadership agreed to all of the changes we intend to make to the building and notified us on Monday of their approval.  This week, we began the process of pulling together all of the permits and gathering all of the required signatures.  Friday, August 23, we expect the permits to be submitted to the city.  It should take about one week for the city to officially put the permits “under review.”  Once the plans are under review David Monk and his team from ShayCore can begin the needed demolition within the room prior to renovating the sanctuary space.  If everything goes off with out any problems, we anticipate a six-week construction build-out which will put us into our new sanctuary in late October.  The Rector’s Council remains committed to keeping you informed and we will let you know as soon as we have any new information.  Please pray for favor with the city and that everything goes smoothly and according to plans and projections with the demolition and construction.

TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY Founders’ Day Party is Saturday, August 24

20thSaturday, August 24, is a major milestone in the life of Church of the Messiah.  It will be our TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY as Church Body and we will take time out and celebrate our Founders’ Day!  The Party will be from 11am until 2:30pm at the Woods Community Clubhouse (Click HERE for a map).  The Church is going to provide Bar-b-Que, all you need to bring is a side or a dessert to share.  We will need a few people to show up early and help set up and some generous souls to help us clean up, of course.  Don’t forget that there is an amazing playground right there by the clubhouse, so it is a great family-friendly environment!  Invite your friends and join us in celebrating TWO DECADES as a church body that God has called to worship Him together!

The August Ultreya is This Tuesday Night

UltreyaThe August Ultreya is this Tuesday night at the home of Greg and Diane Looker (Click HERE for a map).  Dinner is pot-luck and begins at 6pm with the grouping beginning at 7pm.  We will conclude with the Holy Eucharist.  The Ultreya is open to anyone who has attended Tres Arroyos or any other three-day retreat along the lines of Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, Awakenings, Lighthouse Via De Christo, etc…  Childcare not will be provided because our babysitter has a real job and it is her birthday.  Happy birthday, Meghan!

Bishop David Simpson Visits Church of the Messiah This Sunday!

Bishop David Simpson PreachingBe sure to attend Church of the Messiah this Sunday, August 4th, as we are blessed with a special visit from our Bishop David Simpson.  Bishop Simpson and his wife Toni arrived in Jacksonville on Thursday afternoon and will be in north Florida for a few more days.  This Sunday, Church of the Messiah has the privilege of hearing one of the CEC’s most anointed bishops and preachers.

Bishop Simpson has been in ordained ministry for over 36 years, with 17 of those years in the Charismatic Episcopal Church  where he has served as the Rector of Church of the Resurrection in Miramar, Florida.  This Fall Bishop Simpson will celebrate his sixth anniversary as the Bishop of the Diocese of Florida.

While in Seminary, Bishop Simpson married his college sweetheart Toni.  They have three grown children and have, as of a few weeks ago, now six grand children!  Join us as we welcome our bishop.  He is sure to bring an inspired Word of God.  The service will begin at 10:30 in the Sam R. Marks Chapel at Jacksonville University.  All are welcome!