Join Church of the Messiah Tonight as We Prepare for Pentecost

acts1_14-articleIn Acts of the Apostles, St. Luke tells us that, while they were awaiting the promised power of the coming Holy Spirit, the Apostles “all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.” (1:14)  Join with Church of the Messiah tonight as we observe the “in between” time in the midst of the Ascension last Thursday and Pentecost this coming Sunday.  We will likewise be in one accord in prayer and supplication for the Church, the city, and the world, and we will, in the words of St. Paul, “proclaim the Lord’s death (and resurrection) til He comes again” (I Corinthians 11:26) when we celebrate the Holy Eucharist tonight.  Please join us for the special service.  Childcare is provided.  The service ends by 8:30 so that everyone may prepare for work and school on the following morning.

Wednesday Night Worship Honors Feast of St. Mark

St MarkThis week Church of the Messiah will take a few moments out of our Mid-Week Worship to honor St. Mark the Evangelist, the Patron Saint of Egypt (whose feast day is this Friday).  In doing so, we will also take time to commemorate and honor the lives of 30 Coptic Christians who were martyred by ISIS terrorists over the past weekend.  This commemoration of the faithful departed will be part of our regular weekly service which includes readings from the Holy Scriptures and a brief homily; times of prayer, intercession, anointing, and ministry; and praise and worship as well as Holy Communion.  Our previous services were wonderfully powerful and the worship will continue again this week beginning at 7 o’clock.  Childcare is provided during this service (though children are welcome for worship and communion), and the service ends by 8:30 for those needing to get home to prepare for work or school on the following morning.  We invite everyone to join us this Wednesday and Wednesdays throughout the Easter season as we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord in this powerful way.

Wednesday Night Worship Services Continue

Priest in Green Anointing WomanLast Wednesday Church of the Messiah began a new format for our Wednesday night worship services throughout the Easter season.  This format is modeled loosely on the tremendous success of Fusion and more fully incorporates all three streams of Convergence Worship into our mid-week service, something which has been lacking in the past.  The services include readings from the Holy Scriptures and a brief homily; times of prayer, intercession, anointing, and ministry; and praise and worship as well as Holy Communion.  Our first service was wonderfully powerful and the worship will continue again this week beginning at 7 o’clock.  Childcare is provided during this service (though children are welcome for worship and communion), and the service ends by 8:30 for those needing to get home to prepare for work or school on the following morning.  We invite everyone to join us this Wednesday and Wednesdays throughout the Easter season as we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord in this powerful way.


Lots To Do This Weekend at COM

WeekEndThere are activities going on everyday this weekend at Church of the Messiah.  The Women’s Ministry kicks things off on Friday night with the movie night when they will watch God’s Not Dead.  The movie begins at 7 pm at the home of Diane Looker.  Snacks and drinks will be provided so just come looking to enjoy the movie.  Then the Men’s Ministry will takeover on Saturday morning with their “Labor of Love” Work Day.  The men will be doing some gardening from 9 am til noon at the home of a family who have recently been under some physical attacks and are dealing with a variety of medical issues.  The men will take a morning and make sure their yard is not one of their issues they have to deal with.  Contact John Cunningham for more information on this work day.  The the whole parish will gather together on Sunday as we begin the observance of Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday!  Be sure to arrive a few minutes early for Church this Sunday morning because we will begin the Liturgy of the Palms in the courtyard in between the churches and process into Church of the Messiah singing Hosannas to the King of Kings!  This is an incredible service each and every year and you will not want to miss it this year.  Finally, Confirmation classes begin after Church on Sunday.  For those attending the classes, we will be going out for lunch following services on Sunday, having lunch together and discussing the topic for the Confirmation Classes.  Those interested in attending please download the New Catechism of Charismatic Episcopal Church (click the link to download).  It’s going to be a busy weekend.  You don’t want to miss any of it!

Fusion Service This Saturday Night


This Saturday, March 14th, is Church of the Messiah’s Fusion Service, our monthly young adults’ outreach ministry.  In addition to being an opportunity to reach out to young people and present convergence worship to people who have never experienced it before, this month we have an opportunity to present them with the heart and power of Lent and teach them about preparing our hearts to truly celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ at Easter.

The service is directed towards young adults between the ages of 18 and 35 although “we don’t ever card.”  We serve appetizers at 6:30 and the service begins at 7 o’clock.  Everyone goes out afterwards for fellowship.

For those beyond 35 looking to support the ministry, we are still in need of people to bring appetizers on Saturday evening and to help set up prior to and clean up once the service begins.  If you are willing to help, please contact Amanda Paysinger.


Daylight Savings Time Begins Tonight

Spring ForwardDon’t forget that tonight we “spring forward,” so before you go to bed tonight set your clocks ahead one hour.  If not, you will be an hour late to Church.  If you’re somebody who is late as it is, you might miss the whole thing except that this Sunday we are having our Potluck Sunday and Annual Meeting right after our service.  Go to bed early to make up for that hour of sleep you are going to lose and we will see you Sunday morning!

“Lent with Lewis: Letters to Malcolm” Begins Tonight!

Lent With Lewis PromoStarting tonight, Wednesday, February 25, Church of the Messiah will lead a four-part Bible study series on the C. S. Lewis classic Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer.  This will be the second Bible study in our “Lent with Lewis” series after the success of last year’s A Peek Inside the Devil’s Playbook: A Lenten Bible Study Based on The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis.  Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer is a collection of letters written by Lewis to his friend Malcolm on the subject of prayer. During the course of the study, we will address topics including private prayer, corporate prayer, using pre-written prayers, supplication, the Eucharist, and much more.  The book can be purchased through all on-line provided as well as at local book-sellers and is available in electronic formats as well, however having read the book in advance is not necessary for the Bible study.

Our 2nd annual Lent with Lewis Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer begins February 25 and runs through March 18 beginning at 7 o’clock every Wednesday night.  The service ends prior to 8:30 each night so that everyone has time to return home in time for work and school the next day.  Everyone is welcome and childcare is provided.  We look forward to growing with you this Lent through studying prayer together.

Men’s Breakfast Tomorrow Morning!

mbThe men of Church of the Messiah are coming together this Saturday morning, February 21st, for our bi-monthly Men’s Breakfast.  Starting at 8 o’clock at Church of the Messiah, John Cunningham and his Merry Men will be up early in the cold preparing all the wonderful breakfast “fixings” that make for a great manly meal as well as a great time of fellowship with the other men of the parish.   After the meal we will spend time discussing ideas for future events for Men’s Ministry and what we would like to do together both for fellowship and ministry outreach.  Bring your appetites and good ideas.  To RSVP or for more information, contact John Cunningham.  There is no cost for the meal, however we will accept donations to offset the cost of the meal.  If there is any money left over after expense have been covered, leftover money will go into the men’s ministry fund for future events.  We look forward to seeing you bright and early Saturday morning!

This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday

when-is-ash-wednesday-2015-this-year-3This Wednesday, February 18th, begins the season of Lent with the yearly celebration of Ash Wednesday.  Lent is the period of 40 days which both commemorates Our Lord’s 40 days in the wilderness fasting and praying before He began His public ministry and helps us to prepare to celebrate the coming feast of Easter by fasting and praying in similar ways.   Ash Wednesday is the special celebration where we take time to remember that the Christian walk is called to be one of prayer, fasting, and penitence.  We will gather together at 7 o’clock and participate in the imposition of ashes, the litany of penitence, and then partake of the Holy Eucharist as a way to begin a Holy Lent.  We invite everyone to join us this Wednesday, beginning at 7 o’clock for our Ash Wednesday Service.

“Wild About You” Brunch is Tomorrow!

WP_20150128_011Don’t forget that tomorrow morning, February 7th, beginning at 10 o’clock, Church of the Messiah’s Women’s Ministry will hold their “Wild About You” Brunch.  The brunch will be at the home of Cathie Shimp (click HERE for a map).  Ladies, be sure to wear a wild, animal print, and bring your favorite love Scripture.  The brunch will include wonderful food, fellowship, music, vision, and ministry!  For more information, call Cathie Shimp at 904-610-2599.  Of course, if you have nothing animal print, they will have tables of extra so that you can come anyway and find your animal apparel when you arrive!