Pastor Ed Martin, the Jacksonville director of the 40 Days for Life campaign, has issued this invitation to participate in the upcoming Jericho March around two of Jacksonville’s most notorious abortion clinics.  Finally, you may download a flyer below.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:


After thirty years of ministering on the streets in front of abortion mills, I can honestly say without a doubt that I know how to end abortion in Jacksonville. What I don’t know is how to get the Christians to do it.

On Saturday October 22, we will hold our Fall Jericho March. We will meet at Prince of Peace Church parking lot, 6320 University Blvd. S., at 7:30 a.m. and march to A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville, 4131 University Blvd. S. (across the street from Hewell Funeral Home). 

After the first Jericho March 2 ½ years ago, Planned Parenthood stopped doing abortions. The day of the second Jericho March, 5 babies were saved. After we do a Jericho March, we have seen a dramatic drop in abortions.

We will march back and forth between two death camps six times in prayer and praise to God Almighty, pleading for an end to abortion in Jacksonville. On the seventh time we will shout with the victory that God is answering our prayers.

We will start the March with an 8-ft Cross of the Unborn, the Ten Commandments, the American Flag and the Christian Flag. This will be followed by the Pastors and church leaders from all different denominations.

It is not the marching that will move the hand of God; it is our faith that God will answer our prayers, as he did for Joshua. Abortion, like the city of Jericho, is a seemly impregnable fortress. We have legislature.  We have prayed and fasted.  And still the abortion fortress stands. It is time to take our prayers, our fasting and, most of all, our faith to the place where children are being sacrificed to the satanic forces.

Did you fail in a day of adversity,
did your strength fall short?
Did you fail to rescue those who were being dragged off to death,
those tottering, those near death,
because you said, “We didn’t know about it”?
Surely, the Searcher of hearts knows
and will repay all according to their deeds.  (Proverbs 24:10-12)

Love for LIFE,
Pastor Ed Martin
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life/Jacksonville